Solar Energy Project Opportunities

Innovative Solar-Integrated Agricultural Projects

Greenhouses with Solar Integration

Solar-Integrated Roofing

Our innovative design incorporates solar panels directly into the greenhouse roofing, harnessing solar energy while providing necessary light and temperature control for plant growth.

Row Crop Greenhouses

Alongside these solar-integrated roofs, we also offer designs where solar panels are ground-mounted adjacent to the greenhouse, optimizing land use and solar exposure.

Solar-Powered Cattle Ranching

Canopy-Mounted Solar Panels

Enhance your cattle ranching operations with our canopy-mounted solar panels. This setup not only generates clean energy but also provides shade for livestock, enhancing animal welfare and farm productivity.

Row Cropping and Solar Farms

Dual-Use Solar Farms

Our designs for row cropping under solar farms feature innovative mounting infrastructure that allows crops to thrive beneath solar panels. This design facilitates the passage of farm equipment, making it an efficient use of space and resources.

Proposed Test Location and Long-Term Management

IYL Developments is excited to propose a test location that will demonstrate the viability of these integrated solar and agricultural operations. The selected site is advantageously close to the grid, allowing for efficient energy distribution. We aim to develop this project into a long-term managed agriculture program, highlighting sustainability and community benefits.

Benefits to the Community and Environment

These projects are designed not only to innovate in agriculture and energy production but also to contribute to community development by offering long-term job opportunities and fostering upward mobility. By integrating solar energy systems, significantly reduce operational cost.

Supporting Growth with Financial Incentives

  • 26% Tax Credit: Significant direct savings on the initial system cost.
  • 21% Tax Depreciation: Benefit from depreciation on solar equipment.
  • 25% REAP Grant: Available grants to reduce upfront costs even further.
  • These incentives combine to offer a substantial 76% reduction in the system’s face value, leaving only 24% of the cost to the owner. Additionally, USDA financing options cover up to 75% of the solar energy system, easing the financial burden on our clients.

Expanding Beyond Traditional Farming

Alongside traditional agricultural setups, IYL Developers are equipped to build structures for specialized crops such as hemp. These structures are designed to offset electricity costs through integrated solar energy systems, enhancing overall efficiency and sustainability.

Locally Owned & Operated Solar Solutions

Investing in solar isn’t just a financial decision; it’s a commitment to powering a sustainable future. Our projects offer investors the unique opportunity to drive innovation, impact the environment positively, and achieve substantial returns through the burgeoning solar energy sector.
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